For me, a side effect of not being able to see abstractly in fine art
is an ability to animate nearly everything and anything.
Forks can run, salt and pepper shakers do what they are told,
every time I turn a door knob I'm grabbing some weird little guys nose.............
and I have a way with food.
This ability was thoroughly exercised for years in the Weber-Stephen "Grill-Out Times" newsletters.
Here he is.
Armed with typical eating utensils,
They are quite alive
and capable of doing more than one would think possible for simple ground meat.
More than just cooked meat in a bun,
they've got remarkable balance and determination
to contend with any and all one might put upon them.
There's always been gossip about the BurgerGuy and members of the pickle family.
Yes. When I sit down to animate the supposed inanimate,
I am thorough and prolific.
Burgers, more frequently than not,
share grill space with members of the Sausage family...
which I'll go into in a future post.